Write For Us

We launched Extratrendsgh.com To Assist You Earn and Boost Your Online Earnings With The Best Free Guides, Tutorials, and Tips Based on Real Data; however, If you are a professional at anything to do with making money online, Technology, Updates on loans apps we would love to hear from you. Currently, we have two types of “write for us.” Guest Blogger and Get Paid To Write. Read the below to know the differences. 

1. Guest Blogger

Are you looking to have a guest post published on our blog for our audiences? If yes! We promote guest posts as if they were our own and coordinate with you throughout the publishing process. However, you should: 

1. We exclusively accept guest posts from individuals, not on behalf of businesses. Moreover, our platform may not align with your objectives if you intend to approach numerous blogs to secure multiple published posts.

2. Your articles must correspond to our niche type to be for publication. We do not accept AI content or formulaic posts that lack originality.

3. Your post must be personal to you. The most valuable contribution you can make to a piece for Leaving Work Behind is sharing your personal experiences and how they have contributed to your growth. This could be a guide detailing how you’ve achieved sustainable income or an inspiring narrative recounting the steps you took to accomplish a goal, among other possibilities.

4. Your post must inspire or prompt action, ideally both. After reading your submission, our audience should feel motivated or possess the necessary tools and knowledge to take concrete steps toward their objectives. Ideally, your post should accomplish both of these outcomes.

5. Your article must be entirely original. Already posted on your own or any other website will not be permitted. Impeccable spelling and grammar are prerequisites, and you should be well-checked before submitting posts. I am cautious in this consideration.

6. Familiarity with our blog and understanding how your ideas will benefit our readers is a requirement for consideration. You should already be an avid reader of our platform.

7. You must grant us the right to reuse your article however we deem suitable. This includes publishing, editing, and reproducing your post in various formats, always with attribution to you.

8. You will be expected to actively engage with and respond to comments when your article is published. It is a significant aspect of our blog, so if you are unwilling to participate this way, we kindly request that you abstain from applying.

Send a central message of the post to our email (admin@extratrendsgh.com) in less than 6 hours! We will respond to your request.

2. Get Paid To Write For Us

Extra Trends Gh is hiring freelance writers/journalists/bloggers to cover Content Writing on the below Niche

This includes Affiliate marketing, How-to’s, and other fact-based and information-based articles.

Are you creative enough to generate exciting and easy-to-digest content for netizens? Can you produce at least 20 articles (500 to 1000 words minimum) daily? 

Important Notice

1. You should be able to write FOREIGN CONTENT — From tech tips, ways to make money online, affiliate marketing, and more.

2. Headlines and keywords will be made for you to write.

3. You must not publish the content anywhere else (i.e., on your blog or as a guest post on other blogs).

4. Applicants should construct simple sentences and should be able to use grammar correction tools (for example, Grammarly)

5. We will reject it if the content has A. I tonation

6. No Spun Content – It must be written by yourself

4. Applicants should have a slight interest in making money online, Internet guides, and loan-related information around the world)

5. Applicants should own a laptop or Mobile phone and have access to the internet. 

6. Applicant should treat this as a full-time job


Cost Per Article: GHS 20.00 or $1.13

Estimated number of daily Articles: 5

Estimated Monthly Earnings: GHS 600

Bonus for exceeding daily targets!

If interested, please email links to 3 copies of previously published articles to ctagoe6749@gmail.com.